Over two billion people use WhatsApp daily for messaging and video calls. Although individual messages are helpful, WhatsApp groups make it easy to share information with multiple contacts simultaneously. Check out these useful tips to create and manage a WhatsApp group.
- How to Create a WhatsApp Group
- How to Invite People to Your WhatsApp Group
- How to Manage WhatsApp Group Admins
- How to Remove a Member from a WhatsApp Group
- Other Helpful WhatsApp Group Settings
- How to Exit or Delete WhatsApp Groups
How to Create a WhatsApp Group
If you already have a WhatsApp account and access to the app on any device, creating a WhatsApp group is simple. These directions work for any device and OS, but I used a Google Pixel 7a running Android 15.
To create a WhatsApp group, open WhatsApp on your device, and tap New Chat -> New Group.
Select contacts to add to your group. Once you have added at least one contact, move to the next screen by pressing the right arrow (→).
Note: also add people to a group by sending them a link or QR code after it is created.
Set up the group by doing the following:
- Enter a group name of up to 100 characters.
- Select and add a group icon that will be visible to all members.
- Choose whether you want disappearing messages.
Additionally, you can tap Group Permissions to make additional changes, including which settings other group members can change and whether new members require approval from a group admin.
How to Invite People to Your WhatsApp Group
After you create your WhatsApp group, send additional members an invitation link at any time. You can even search for people on WhatsApp.
From the Chats screen, tap the group you want to invite people to, then tap Add Members.
Scroll to the bottom of the Add Members list, and select Invite via Link.
Choose one of the following:
- Send the link via WhatsApp.
- Copy the link to paste in another messaging app.
- Share the link via an option on your device.
- Display a QR code for other people to scan and join.
How to Manage WhatsApp Group Admins
Depending on the purpose of your group and how many members you have, you may want to establish additional group admins who can help you admit new members and monitor conversations. WhatsApp groups can have an unlimited number of admins, and any admin can make any group member an admin.
To manage your admins, select your group from the Chat screen, then tap the three vertical dots (More Options), and choose Group Info.
Scroll down and select the group member you want to make an admin. Choose Make group admin from the menu options.
How to Remove a Member from a WhatsApp Group
As a group admin, there may be times when you need to remove someone from your WhatsApp group. Luckily, this is a fairly straightforward process that any group admin can complete.
First, press and hold the group from the Chats screen, then tap the three vertical dots (More Options) -> Group Info.
Select the member you wish to remove, then tap Remove -> OK.
Other Helpful WhatsApp Group Settings
There are additional settings you can adjust for your WhatsApp group that will benefit and add to the privacy of all WhatsApp users in your group. To make these adjustments, go to the three vertical dots (More Options) -> Group Info, then click the item to make changes.
- Notifications: choose your notification tone, vibration settings, and whether you wish to mute notifications.
- Media Visibility: select whether you wish for media downloaded from your WhatsApp group to show in your device’s gallery (not including profile pictures).
- Disappearing Messages: this setting determines when (or if) messages disappear after a specified period. Options include 24 hours, 7 days, and 90 days.
- Chat Lock: you can lock and hide the group from being displayed on your device.
How to Exit or Delete WhatsApp Groups
You can always delete a group you created or exit an existing group you joined. Go to the three vertical dots (More Options) -> Exit group.
A pop-up will ask if you are sure. Tap Exit.
If you want to delete the group instead, the process is similar, but you must first remove all group members. Then, go to the three vertical dots (More Options) -> Exit Group.
Tap the option to Delete Group, then confirm by choosing Delete Group in the pop-up.
Keep Communication Going in WhatsApp
WhatsApp groups allow you to connect, communicate, and interact with like minds to achieve a common goal via messaging, photos and videos, sticker packs, and even group video calls.
If you are concerned about your privacy in WhatsApp groups, you may want to check out these privacy-focused WhatsApp alternatives.
Image credit: Pexels. All screenshots by Megan Glosson.
Megan Glosson –
Staff Writer
Megan Glosson is a freelance technology writer based in Nashville, TN. She has extensive experience working with everything from printers to smart home systems. Megan has created thousands of articles for online publications and company blogs, including How-To Geek, Clean Email, and Review Geek. In addition to her freelance work, Megan is the Senior Content Manager for a digital marketing agency. When she’s not writing, you will probably find Megan playing board games with her partner and two children or swimming in the pool. You can check out Megan’s entire portfolio on her website, https://www.meganglosson.com/.
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